WooD+ partners are strong educators, seeking new ground for novel teaching formats, currently not developed in the wood science and technology community. Breakthroughs are possible with a strong European/international network only. Partners are frontier research units in wood utilization concerning ongoing environmental changes, alternative wood species, product development and advanced technologies.

The main emphasis is on higher education, implementing recent environmental and material research results into university teaching. The involved partner regions represent resource management, ranging from a balanced softwood-hardwood supply as prevalent in Germany, to a dominating softwood-supply as present in the Czech Republic and Austria, to a dominating hardwood-supply situation, as it is the case for Slovenia.

The partners are covering the entire wood value chain, from forest growth, via wood property research, technical applications of (new) materials, to market aspects for novel products, which is represented in the project portfolio implemented by the partners.

Associated Partner InnovaWood is supporting the dissemination of the results among our members and the wider science community. This can notably also benefit from synergies with other ongoing projects of various members.



This project has been funded with support from the European Union. Project number: n° 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078483

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