LIB - Buildup of a WooD+ knowledge base

This intellectual output is on establishing a knowledge base website for WooD+ as a Wiki approach. Here, users collaboratively modify and structure content directly from a web browser. In a typical wiki, the contents are written using a simplified markup language and often edited with the help of a rich-text editor. The collaborative nature brings the partners together, and this saves time for keeping track of acquired and collected data, literature sources, patents, product ideas. A wiki engine is a type of content management system, but the difference is that the content is created without any defined owner. The wiki has little inherent structure, allowing the structure to emerge according to the needs of the users. There are a number of wiki engines in use, both standalone and as part of other software. Wiki engines are also open source, which is the approach that is done in this initiative. There are different functions (levels of access); for example, editing rights to permit changes, adding, or removing material. With this Wiki approach, a project library is established, archiving relevant documents and research outputs collected during the WooD+ project. Partners have access to these wiki protocols, they can add resources, select articles, patents, research essays and academic theses. This activity is aimed at storing, concentrating, providing, and sharing useful information, with respect to the major emphasis, which is LKWS. Young scientists and others profit from that resource in their future research. The wiki is updated and enriched constantly during the project, and it will be sustained in the post-project period. This Wiki approach will operate under the national legislation respecting all rules of GDPR and reserved copyrights.

To enter wiki



This project has been funded with support from the European Union. Project number: n° 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078483

The European Commission's support for the production of this webpage does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.