The selection of participants for WooD+ activities is planned as open, transparent and merit-based. It guarantees equality, especially for under-represented groups and promotes optimal circulation of knowledge. The significant steps are carried through answering When?, What? How is the selection made?


  • Every six months to allow long-term planning as well as the necessary flexibility and efficiency.


What learner do if he/she wishes to participate in the WooD+ activities?

  • Read the information on the WooD+ website.
  • Contact the project coordinator (MENDELU) or the project coordinator in the respective institution (BOKU, UL, UHH)
  • Carefully consider action where he/she wishes to participate to asses correctly her/his time possibilities.
  • Respond to the open call displayed on the project website and communicated via the internal system of each institution
  • Participation of women researchers, researchers restarting their professional career after parental leave or long ailment, early-stage researchers are especially encouraged and possibilities promoted to these section of the target group.
  • Learner is required for C1-EDU1, C2-EDU2, C3-EDU3, C4-EDU4, C14-EDU5, C12-FWeek1 (Summer Schools and Field Week) to present short motivation letter up to 2 000 characters to explain the compliance of the short term learning activity and her/his university curriculum and Europass CV.
  • Learner for C5-WO1, C6-WO2, C7-WO3, C8-WO4, C13-WO5 (workshops) is required to present information up to 1 000 characters to explain how the action is enhancing its knowledge and Europass CV.
  • Participant of the Multiplier Event (E1) is required to submit up to 1 000 characters to explain the benefit of the participation.
  • Participant of the Long-term teaching assignments (C9-TECH1, C10-TECH2, C11-TECH3) is required to provide up to 2 000 characters to explain the mutual benefits for sending and receiving institution and Europass CV.
  • Learner may participate in four different under Learning Teaching Training to allow a higher number of individuals to participate.


This project has been funded with support from the European Union. Project number: n° 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078483

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